Trigger warning: sexual misconduct
Topic: sexual assault prevention
Mood: intimidation
Device: grotesque

As intrusive as an unsolicited dick pic, as obnoxious as a catcall, as shocking as unexpected groping in a public space…
zroob productions is pleased to present:
The sexual assault prevention toy
Dildon’t was designed not only to criticize but mainly to prevent sexual assault. It is an unconventional sex toy that gives its user something more crucial than pleasure: a sense of safety.
The #metoo movement have raised awareness to the issue of sexual assault. Dildon’t is taking the criticism one step further, and aims to actually prevent cases of sexual assault or misconduct before they happen.
How it works
The Dildon’t is a light-activated surveillance device. It’s an exaggerated, bold, technologically advanced version of a rape whistle.
In case the user feels unsafe, they need to only reach to their handbag and take the Dildon’t out. Revealing the Dildon’t automatically activates it’s electronic interface, which includes a 360° surveillance camera, a blinding flashing light, and an obnoxiously loud alarm sound. The mechanism wrapped within a BDSM-inspired grotesque phallic object aims to shock, assert dominance and chase away the potential sexual predator.
Needless to say, that in an ideal world, the Dildon’t will never be used.
Making the prototype
The Dildon’t prototype is created from recycled and reused materials. The structure was made of a Pringles chips package and a round tiramisu cup to achieve a size convenient enough to carry in a handbag, yet large enough to look intimidating. Scraps of jewelry and costume pieces were used to achieve a kinky bedazzled look and feel.
The electronic components:
✔ Metro microcontroller (arduino-uno compatible)
✔ Light sensor
✔ A strip of 14 neopixels
✔ VS1053 Audio shield with a micro SD card
✔ Speaker
✔ Ricoh Theta 360° video camera