An Interactive Graphic-Novel-Journey Through Post-Apocalyptic Narratives
Fewture is an interactive experience that illustrates possible ecologic, socio-economic and technologic circumstance in a terrifically immersive way.
The reader is invited to begin the journey by scanning a QR postcard and downloading the Fewture app.
From this point on, a new episode will be delivered each week via a push notification or an email.
Gamified storyline motivates the reader to dive deep into each chapter.
Use of mixed new media, including video, augmented and virtual reality, makes each Fewture variation come to life.

Fewture Variation #1: Glitter Shores
Illustrates a flooded, tropical world, whose remaining inhabitants thrive on floating islands made of plastic debris.
Fewture: play and reveal what humanity is facing.
The prototype was developed on Unity at Gabriel Barcia Colombo‘s Video Sculpture class at ITP, NYU.