Femininity themed immersive environment by AlizarinZ Using light art and unexplored forms of visual interactivity to invite a performative ceremony celebrating the cerebral aspects of femininity Encrypted figurative art to be explored and revealed with uniquely designed light sources and sound reactive projectionAdditional layer of information and interaction is revealed via a simple web interface + QR codesThe visuals are inspired by women inventors who shaped today’s technology and science synesthesia light art following up the previous synesthesia light art, I’m devoted to extend my cryptic, sound and blacklight-reactive style into an entire immersive and interactive experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z89FYlMwyvY The upcoming iteration…
Original art toy design by @AlizarinZ and an entertainment conglomerate format https://youtu.be/GtkRVgtHL90 3D printed in collaboration with @_insta_yaya The making of, on instagram View this post on Instagram Meet the Sqoosh-farmer’s son! Art toy design process, from pencil sketch, through my first attempt in #3D modeling in #Sculptris, then printing on an #ultimaker. #arttoyitp #arttoy #arttoyculture A post shared by Alizarin Zroob (@alizarinz) on Oct 6, 2019 at 5:08am PDT View this post on Instagram Lucy the #goat, satisfied after a good sneaky feast of Sqoosh! Original #art toy design, a 3rd member of the #sqooshfarms series! In a new…
About Synesthesia Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which the stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway (for example, hearing) leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway (such as vision)- Google’s 1st search result Synesthesia is one of my favorite subjects personally, both aesthetically and intellectually. Also it’s a trendy theme in the burner art-nightlife culture. Previous Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9-B47xr1YQ For the Synesthesia assignment I’d like to revisit a former work of mine: a Blacklight-reactive acrylic artwork I painted and presented in 2018. The subject of the one painting I like to focus on, as one can…
Light and Color in Set Design Being obsessed with color, it was a pleasure to take on a favorite wavelength to experiment with designing an original set for my own independent production. The set was of a futuristic, non-religious confession booth. The chosen color was warm bright red, around 700nm. Additionally, I mixed in a complimentary bright blue colors, with an average wave length of 500nm. My goal was to experiment with color and light to create an environment that’s comfortable and inviting, visually rich and cinematically interesting. The fabrics and materials used were reflective, The function of the set…
Recreating fire-spinning using electronics Spacetime Poi is Alizarin Waissberg’s final project at physical computing course with Tom Igoe at ITP. Spacetime Poi has all the necessary features for a fun, playful experience. It’s surprisingly sturdy, soft, and has long battery life. Accurate gyroscope readings from a sensor mounted to the poi control light patterns simulating fire. Besides the electronic parts, It’s made of unconventional, recycled and/or affordable materials. WiFi network sends mechanic data from within one of the poi to any computer that logs into it. Spacetime poi has proven itself as entertaining in multiple environments. Nonetheless, the current version…
Spacetime Poi is a final project at physical computing course with Tom Igoe at ITP. Following the final project proposition, a 2nd post describing the work process, defining concept, figuring out electronic components and crafting a unique case. Inspired by Fire Prior to actually making the spacetime Poi, I’ve had the chance to user-test with a regular set of poi – a pair of balls on strings, which led to some helpful insights. One of the testers who’ve seen poi before in their natural habitat, asked “are you going to light them on fire?!” “If everything goes according to plan,…
Albino bat light-up halloween costume / wearable photography gear Halloween season and pcomp midterms were a wonderful opportunity to lay my hands on a first, ambitious project in wearable electronics. The objective: to design more that just a spooky costume, but also a practical wearable electronic device, capable of capturing footage at halloween’s wildest parties.