A purely pacifist, violently upbeat explosion of radically positive audiovisual particles Explode a Peace Bomb now! (Warning: loud) Full Screen Peace Bomb The making of Peace Bomb Throughout the semester we’ve learned the basic concepts of writing code for creative purposes. This day and age, the coding language used was JavaScript and it’s handy p5.js library. Honestly, after being spoiled my entire life with convenient interfaces of photo, video and web editing programs, coding an audiovisual experience from scratch was daunting. That’s why I chose to tackle the simplest, most straightforward concept I could come up with: a one-click interaction,…
If there’s something that the world is in need of, is some good news. Peace Bomb is an interactive experience aimed to cheer the world up with an explosion of positivity Background In my background lie almost unbearable amounts of terror. Being born just in time to see the miserable decay of world’s largest empire of all times, USSR, it was determined upon me to look for a brighter future in middle-east’s trendiest war zone, Israel. Religiously-biased education, racist government and mandatory army service failed to exterminate my inner peace. Taking the best from every life lesson, I’m excited for…
For our ICM Madness challenge we were randomly assigned building a nature pong that beeps. What a wonderful randomized theme. That’s what we came up with in only two hours of activity. Enjoy playing! Z and C keys to move the pigeon platform, right and left arrows to move the squirrel platform. We were also randomly teamed into a great group: Maya, KC and me, Alizarin. We never worked together before and enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with new folks.
Creativity is the adaptation of the mind to reality’s ever-changing conditions. It allows you to find unexpected solutions to any problem you might encounter and it’s crucial for art, business and survival. Creativity is more than a human trait: it’s one of life’s innate features. Nonetheless it can be taught, learned and exercised. Here are my 2 cents on how to achieve greater creativity. Don’t wait for inspiration to strike The key to making something really creative, is making something. Do what you gotta do, then do some more. Try to do your best every time. If you succeed to…
Albino bat light-up halloween costume / wearable photography gear Halloween season and pcomp midterms were a wonderful opportunity to lay my hands on a first, ambitious project in wearable electronics. The objective: to design more that just a spooky costume, but also a practical wearable electronic device, capable of capturing footage at halloween’s wildest parties.

Pcomp Lab 5 and ICM exercise at serial communication. Promoting health by making each night a good night. Intro The following lab is brought to you by two subjects that were on my mind in the past week. The first, is Building health into the OS. A delightfully radical idea brought to discussion at ITP by Lori Melichar & Steve Downs of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. They promote entrepreneurship that enhances the user’s health by changing their life-habits through their smart devices. That’s a noble goal I could see devoting my life to. At least the official work-hours of my…
At the 6th week of fall semester came the reminder of how harmful a simple mistake could be. Humans are so limited and fragile, so prone to mistakes and malfunctions. Machines are prone to a whole new array of mistakes and malfunctions of their own. And the most harmful of them all, is the combination of human and machine working in unison to wreak accidental havoc! Statistically, just think of all the ways the electric pulses can go wrong in the circuits between a microcontroller, a sensor, an output, our computer and an open-source program running on it?! Pff. Then…
On rock’n’roll, blood sweat and code! At the 4th class some of this javascript code starts make sense. Very little of it. The newfound understanding the potential interactions, movements and complex functions that javascript allows pushes me up and forward. In this example I’m singing a short code ode to industrialism: Editor > The first version was a static city with a changing sky color. The ideal version will include a sky changing color and brightness, with buildings growing from the ground in different paces, creating the illusion of perspective. Perhaps also this playing in the background (considered by…
For this assignment, we were teamed to work with a classmate! My teammate Daniel Otero was delightful to work with. He just returned from a short trip to the west coast and brought a refreshing laid-back vibe, and also a delicious bubble tea. Daniel created the animation and I was in charge of the interface. Making homework as a team proven a little bit more efficient, and magnificently more fun. Presented below is our interactive artwork. It’s inspired by bubble tea. EDITOR