The Art Rising is a social art movement merging east and west, ancient and modern.
This past Friday, they held Voyage, a pretty remarkable immersive art event at Lot 45 in Bushwick.


The proceeds from this collection will be allocated to fund clean water systems in a village in Cambodia, create a sculptural site in the ocean in Thailand for planting coral, build a playground in a Burmese refugee camp and bring art therapy to schools, villages and refugee camps.

Voyage got me inspired, showing me new ways to make a social impact with art and travel. I’m going to follow up with The Art Rising, because they’re creative forces are strong, their hearts are in the right place, and frankly I can’t wait to see that underwater sculpture garden blossoming with young corals. Hopefully with my own 3 eyes.
Until then, I hope I get the chance to go out to Lot 45 again this upcoming Thursday, for Ori Moonlight Market. Cause if I’m doing any shopping this holiday, I want it to be unique items from local alternative artists. At Ori I know I’m gonna get that – with world-class aerialists and DJs sprinkled on top. Recommended and free!