Developing Technologies for Urban Gardening Final project and prototype proposition Queenz Greenz is a gift kit designed to make gardening appealing and approachable to young audience. Living in urban areas the youth is out of touch with nature, and unaware how enjoyable and crucial for our existence it is. Talking to a dismissive generation, it was most important to catch its short attention with every cliché attention-grabbing technique: emojis and memes, nudity and suggestive language. Behind the provocation, Queenz Greenz is an actually useful kit for the local urban gardener. It includes a selection of seeds curated specifically for Queens,…
Intro to Physical Computing: Lab 1 The 1st pcomp lab had one major goal: to get myself familiarized with the new electronic tools, components and knowledge I acquired, hopefully without causing irreversible damage. Following the advice from my elders to necessarily buy my own equipment and absolutely to not buy anything because the lab or somebody has it, I got only a basic toolset. It contained a mini breadboard, some resistors, wires, basic switches and a Metro – Arduino’s least expensive knock-off cousin. The most expensive piece was the multimeter. A first conductivity test on myself revealed to me I’m…
An exploration of the vegetation in the New York City neighborhood LIC scouting for guerrilla gardening sites Vegetation is more than just lovely: it’s our most important ally on earth. Yes! Even before robots. Vegetation sometimes provides us with nutrition, and almost always provides us with oxygen. Therefore we should cherish it, coexist with it, and help it thrive, globally and also locally. That’s only one reason to engage in guerrilla gardening. A concept new to me, discussed in an elective NYU class I’m participating in “Developing Technologies For Urban Gardens” with professor Vanessa Harden. Guerrilla gardening is basically using vacant…
Intro to Intro to ICM class The p5.js editor makes it incredibly easy to begin coding. So easy it seams almost irresponsible. p5.Js is an open source library for Javascript. To begin coding these days, all one needs is to open the p5.js editor on a web browser and hop on The Coding Train. It’s so approachable even a kid can start bossing his computer within several minutes. In a reality as futuristic as this, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and be on the machine’s good side. It is completely feasible that humans will be farmed by machines in…
An Interactive Graphic-Novel-Journey Through Post-Apocalyptic Narratives Fewture is an interactive experience that illustrates possible ecologic, socio-economic and technologic circumstance in a terrifically immersive way. The reader is invited to begin the journey by scanning a QR postcard and downloading the Fewture app. From this point on, a new episode will be delivered each week via a push notification or an email. Gamified storyline motivates the reader to dive deep into each chapter.

The Augmented Reality App that Reveals the True Value of Brands Let’s be honest, the best thing about consumer brands, is their branding. The perfect typography on each and every Coca-Cola product or promotion. The easily recognizable Starbucks logo, carries a promise of hot lattés on every block in the industrialized world. A promise that is quickly shattered by the dull taste of Orwell’s 1984 Victory Coffee. CokeNope is an augmented reality app that maintains the beloved style of America’s most widely distributed brands, while revealing the truth about them. Their nutritional and moral value, and the true…
Original interactive installation by Alizarin Waissberg VJ God is a visual mixing interface, created by modification of a DJ console. VJ God is an art toy designed to allure the viewer to an intuitive playful interaction.

Interactive Video Installation by Alizarin Waissberg The projection was created in Madmapper to match the shape of the diamond throne. The catchy music accompanying this version of the Diamond Throne is an original song from Liah Alonso’s album Box of Light >

Light sculpture by Alexandra Lopez and Alizarin Waissberg Concept prototype for a dynamic light sculpture, focused on the idea of kids being the light of our lives. The structure represents the unconditional protection we provide for our kids. Although the work arrives from a personal, sentimental point of view of two mothers, there’s no way escaping it’s global aspect. Every parent strives to provide freedom, security and well-being to their child, but not everyone can. Naive and festive at first…