At the 6th week of fall semester came the reminder of how harmful a simple mistake could be.
Humans are so limited and fragile, so prone to mistakes and malfunctions. Machines are prone to a whole new array of mistakes and malfunctions of their own. And the most harmful of them all, is the combination of human and machine working in unison to wreak accidental havoc!
Statistically, just think of all the ways the electric pulses can go wrong in the circuits between a microcontroller, a sensor, an output, our computer and an open-source program running on it?! Pff. Then exponent it by the number of the wrong ways electric pulses can go through our weak soft human synapses? The potential destruction is indefinite.
I began coding and wiring recklessly. Greedy requests to generate massive quantities of objects sent my computer and even the professor’s computer crashing down, freezing. The increase in entropy was more than those simple machines could handle.
With the newfound power to build programs on my computer, came the realization of responsibility. An understanding of the amount of damage a little mistake can cause.
The following is an ever-growing city, demonstrating the power of destruction. If you don’t click on the buildings and remove the oldest of them, they’ll freeze your computer too! Oh just wait and see 😉