December 18, 2018 Alizarin Zroob

Recreating fire-spinning using electronics Spacetime Poi is Alizarin Waissberg’s final project at physical computing course with Tom Igoe at ITP. Spacetime Poi has all the necessary features for a fun, playful experience. It’s surprisingly sturdy, soft, and has long battery life. Accurate gyroscope readings from a sensor mounted to the poi control light patterns simulating fire. Besides the electronic parts, It’s made of unconventional,  recycled and/or affordable materials. WiFi network sends mechanic data from within one of the poi to any computer that logs into it.  Spacetime poi has proven itself as entertaining in multiple environments.  Nonetheless, the current version…

December 10, 2018 Alizarin Zroob

A purely pacifist, violently upbeat explosion of radically positive audiovisual particles Explode a Peace Bomb now! (Warning: loud) Full Screen Peace Bomb The making of Peace Bomb Throughout the semester we’ve learned the basic concepts of writing code for creative purposes. This day and age, the coding language used was JavaScript and it’s handy p5.js library. Honestly, after being spoiled my entire life with convenient interfaces of photo, video and web editing programs, coding an audiovisual experience from scratch was daunting. That’s why I chose to tackle the simplest, most straightforward concept I could come up with: a one-click interaction,…

December 9, 2018 Alizarin Zroob

Spacetime Poi is a final project at physical computing course with Tom Igoe at ITP. Following the final project proposition, a 2nd post describing the work process, defining concept, figuring out electronic components and crafting a unique case.  Inspired by Fire Prior to actually making the spacetime Poi, I’ve had the chance to user-test with a regular set of poi – a pair of balls on strings, which led to some helpful insights. One of the testers who’ve seen poi before in their natural habitat, asked “are you going to light them on fire?!” “If everything goes according to plan,…