February 24, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

A physical browser add on that notifies the internet user when their security is being compromised. A critical object designed by Nick Tanic and Alizarin Waissberg Regardless of their cute name, cookies are possibly the worst thing about web browsing. Cookies are basically a spyware, inspecting the user’s online actions. Cookies are commonly used to collect information about the pages the user views and their activities on the site and deliver ads targeted to them. Cookies are the cute little snippet that makes web browser do creepy things. While some major websites comply with the EU law and notify the…

February 13, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

Delicious yet disgusting, aesthetic yet contaminated, Glitter Fish is a delicates dish by chefs Yunze Shi and Alizarin Zroob. Glitter Fish is an experiment in delivering a meaningful ecological idea incorporating our viewers entire array of senses. https://youtu.be/ogwLGw23XJs Looking desirable and mouthwatering from first glance, the Glitter Fish Filet Dish is not edible. Yes, there’s a real fish filet in there. Unfortunately it is garnished with so much plastic particles making it poisonous. Glitter Fish aims to illustrate a catchy, critical statement on man-caused ocean pollution. Human activity has led to microplastic contamination throughout the marine environment. As a result…

February 10, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

Life has got you down on your knees? Are you in the mood for self- atonement? The Support Whip is the perfect device for you! When you’re being hard on yourself and expecting torture and pain, the Support Whip will give you what you really need: affirmation and encouragement to get you feeling good again! https://youtu.be/Z0VahLvTTsg Acting by Cacia Zoo, Concept by Gilad Dor and Alizarin Zroob The Support Whip is ideal for Self-flagellation but can also work with a partner. Despite it’s rugged look, it’s impact is incredibly soft, just like a pat on your back. A positive audio…

February 4, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

A dunk tank to drown the most vulnerable members of society Starting the Critical Objects class, I grouped with Cara Neel and Veronica Alfaro to tackle a subject that’s unnecessarily controversial: vaccine. Background Vaccines have been researched and proven highly effective in preventing illness. Major medical organizations state vaccines are very safe.  These organizations include: CDC, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Institute of Medicine (IOM), American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), UNICEF, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), World Health Organization (WHO), Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases…