November 21, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

An exciting week in Avatar exploration resulted in this lo-fi grungy, eerie video art! In the video you get an overview of initial attempts in rigging, sculpting, animating, and interacting with my own avatar. Unreal Movement Adding skin, animation and interactivity to my own avatar. It’s my first attempt diving into Unreal Engine! This new frontier is confusing but sturdy. Birth Canal of Ideas Sculpture An original sculpture inspired by ancient goddesses figurines, taken to a perverted extreme. shaped in Blender and 3D printed. To be refined and used as a blacklight lamp. If you look inside, you’ll see…

November 14, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

For this week at Performative avatars, we’re learning about gender. Parallely, we’re morphing our freshly-scanned avatars to perfect and smooth them. The morphing was some sort of a sick gender-transition, as the example model we were morphing ourselves into, was clearly a male. Totally different than my body mesh! I could literally see myself morphing from a dude into the good-old female self. Felt somewhat biblical. Ummm… no. A bug in the system pulled my mouth-sack out of my facehole, giving me this stylish goatee: That called for a round of replacing the dots and wrapping again, proccess that took…

November 12, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

Femininity themed immersive environment by AlizarinZ Using light art and unexplored forms of visual interactivity to invite a performative ceremony celebrating the cerebral aspects of femininity Encrypted figurative art to be explored and revealed with uniquely designed light sources and sound reactive projectionAdditional layer of information and interaction is revealed via a simple web interface + QR codesThe visuals are inspired by women inventors who shaped today’s technology and science synesthesia light art following up the previous synesthesia light art, I’m devoted to extend my cryptic, sound and blacklight-reactive style into an entire immersive and interactive experience. The upcoming iteration…

November 7, 2019 Alizarin Zroob

Experiment 1 My previous experiment with scanning a human using a depth kit did not go well. An attempt to scan a beautiful model wearing a lovely puffy dress and an intricate headpiece deemed to be unsuccessful. The unusual elements have made it impossible for the auto-rigger to recognize my model is a humanoid at all. I’ve found myself with a beautiful object instead. Nice, but I couldn’t animate it like I wanted. Eventually I ended up using boring old 2D video format for prototyping the AR experience Fewture 1: Glitter Shores. Experiment 2 I’ve arrived ready for my fresh…