A purely pacifist, violently upbeat explosion of radically positive audiovisual particles
Explode a Peace Bomb now! (Warning: loud)
The making of Peace Bomb
Throughout the semester we’ve learned the basic concepts of writing code for creative purposes. This day and age, the coding language used was JavaScript and it’s handy p5.js library. Honestly, after being spoiled my entire life with convenient interfaces of photo, video and web editing programs, coding an audiovisual experience from scratch was daunting. That’s why I chose to tackle the simplest, most straightforward concept I could come up with: a one-click interaction, blowing up a simple bomb of positivity. Setting the audio and visual particles behave the way I expected them was a complicated task. It took days of frustrating work, a broken macbook, nagging the professor with silly questions, bothering the best coder in class for his source code (yes I’m referring to you mr. Lobiak), and rewatching the same videos of coding train over and over. The result was worth it. An experience THIS random, lightweight, and approachable on any device could only live in an environment as uninhibited as javascript.
Peace Bomb browser Extension
In addition to the art which is the basic peace bomb, it’s my pleasure to suggest this concept of a peace-bomb browser extension. Functioning as an Adblock, the Peace Bomb browser extension enables the users explode any article they dislike, and receive a replacement of good news to brighten their day.
Final Project Presentation
Peace bomb was created as a final project at Dan O’Sullivans Intro to Physical Computing course at ITP NYU.
For conceptuall background of the Peace Bomb, read the Peace Bomb final project proposition post.
Peace Bomb was presented at ITP winter show 2018
The simple, one-click interaction was presented at the ITP annual Winter show of NYU Tisch school of the arts. It’s simplicity, aesthetics and invasively positive experience have put surprised smiles on many faces from a broad spectrum of ages and backgrounds 😊